I have always been fascinated by industry, by man's ability to constantly create and innovate. There is something almost magical in the way in which man manages to build huge artifacts piece by piece.

#trieste #shipbuildingsite #industrialphotography


    In occasione della Festa del Cinema di Roma abbiamo presentato il nostro ultimo documentario "Atlantico".
    Dodici tavole del Codice Atlantico di Leonardo da Vinci, viaggiano attraverso l’oceano: dalla Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, nel cuore di Milano, fino alla Public Library di Washington D.C.

    #documentary #filmfestival #filmmaking
  • Shooting in Washington

    Studio Nicama went to Washington DC to shoot part of a documentary which will be released late in fall- Stay tuned for more.

    #documentary #filmmaking #washington
  • Best Video Design

    We are happy that our video Narvalo, Never Give Up, was featured among the The Best Commercial Video Designs by DesignRush (click on the link)

    Super thanks to all the team involved in the project and to Design Rush and to our special client Narvalo. Breathe safely! [...]

  • L'ALTRO SPAZIO in rassegna a Riccia (CB)

    Siamo molto contenti che il nostro documentario L'altro Spazio prodotto da Someone and RAI CINEMA e diretto da Marcello Pastonesi e Carlo Furgeri Gilbert farà parte della rassegna cinematografica "LONTANO DA DOVE" organizzata a Riccia (Campobasso).

    #studionicama #filmfestival
  • New Reel

    Studio Nicama presents our first reel. Check out who we are, what we do and how we do it in this short presentation! And if you like it just give us a call and we can offer you a coffe and a chat.

    #reel #studionicama